Part-Time Appointments to the Regular Faculty

Originally adopted by the Academic Council
Amendments approved by the Academic Council on November 11, 2009

  1. Part-time appointments to the regular faculty are permitted for persons who for appropriate reasons must devote less than full-time service to the University, provided that the service is at least half-time and less than three-quarters-time and that the individual is not employed outside the University. For compelling University interests, the provost, upon recommendation of the faculty member’s dean, may waive the prohibition against outside employment.
  2. No more than one-fourth of the regular faculty members in any department, or equivalent academic unit, shall have part-time appointments.
  3. The standards for appointment and reappointment to the regular faculty for part-time service shall be the same as for full-time service as also shall be the duration of contractual periods.
  4. Tenure, i.e., permanence of appointment, shall be granted to members of the regular tenured and tenure-track faculty holding less than full-time appointments on the same basis as for members holding full-time appointments. The prorated portion of each year of part-time service shall be counted toward the maximal probationary period for tenure, as stipulated in the letters of appointment.
  5. Requests by members of the regular faculty for transfers between full-time and part-time service shall be made through the appointments and promotions channels. Such a transfer can be made only by mutual agreement between the appointee and the University.
  6. A regular faculty member with a part-time appointment has the same voting privileges as a member with a full-time appointment. In general, the responsibilities and privileges of a member of the regular faculty with a part-time appointment are the same in nature as, but on a proportionate scale to, those of a member with a full-time appointment.
  7. The salary of a member of the regular faculty on a part-time appointment shall be the proportionate share of the salary were the appointment to be full-time. Members of the regular faculty on part-time appointments are eligible to participate in the Faculty and Administrators Retirement Plan; contributions from both the member and the University are based on the part-time salary. Such members may participate in the University’s medical benefit program, but if the appointment is for less than three-quarters-time, the total premium is paid by the member.